My noble Fish and I prepare to square off against the sinister Jerry Yang and his waves of hasty, recurring Ichorids. In the background, Anthony Michaels and Al Heyne (the owner of the Dungeon, in Sheffield, OH) prepare an epic battle between Slaver and combo.

Justin Dewey thinks his monoblack control will toss Mark Trogdon's Jester's Scepters aside, Mark looks at his hand and knows otherwise. Looks like there's a Demonic Tutor in Justin's graveyard, I wonder what he's gotten... I hope it's Null Rod.

Ray Kehr crossed state lines packing enough combo power to beat his first-round opponent, the eventual champ, Jeff "Brain" Blystone. For being the only person all day to win a match against Brain, Ray took home an altered Sundering Titan. Next to Ray, Norm White considers his options with Slaver.

Jonathan Vozary's Null Rod should be pretty good against Norm's Slaver list. If only it kept Sundering Titan off the board. Next to Jon, Brain tutors up the goodstuff from Gifts; could it be a Burning Wish for Regrowth?!

The Jotun Grunt in Juan Rodriguez's hand is itching for some action against Robin Virant's Vintage Elf army.

Al's combo might have trouble going through Anthony's wall of three Forces of Will, Mana Leak, and Mana Drain. Likewise, Anthony might have trouble winning with a handful of answers and no action. Good thing he has an active Library of Alexandria and a Fact or Fiction in hand. (Didn't he get Extirpated for Force of Will in this game?)

Half of this group of top-8 players will become top-4 players. The other half will not. But all will dine together as friends at Diana's.

Geoff Moes dredges up the phat, hasty beats against Ray's Tendrils. Geoff wishes me to inform you that he is not using Dread Returns, ever, even in the sideboard. This match did not go well for Ray, but he should be heartened by the issue of Battle Pope in the background. (The Gamers Lounge has a large selection of many fine comic books and graphic novels).

JR Goldman drove all the way from Cleveland just to eat poopcake at Diana's and marvel at the fact that Brain's gifts hands are so hot, the sleeves melt together.
We had 15 people show up to play for the Ruby. After four grueling rounds of swiss, here's the top 8 and the pairings therein:
1. Mark Trogdon - One of infinite variations of the Trogdeck (Workshops with Red)
8. Anthony Michaels - Slaver
4. Ray Kehr - PitchLong
5. Geoff Moes - BG Ichorid with mana, no Dread Returns
2. Norm White - Slaver
7. Jeff "Brain" Blystone - Gifts with Regrowth, no EtW
3. Nat Moes - UB Fish
6. Juan Rodriguez - UW Fish
Trogdon beat Michaels
Geoff Moes beat Kehr
Blystone beat Norm-O
Rodriguez beat Nat Moes.
Geoff Moes beat Trogdon
Blystone beat Rodriguez
Jeff Blystone and Geoff Moes played it out over who was spelling his name correctly. In a pivotal game three, after a stunning game two victory that earned a 21 BAOOOOM salute, Blystone carried out the Tendrils kill on his last turn alive. It was a sight to be seen; EOT Chain your Chalice for 0, Mox, Mox, Lotus, Rebuild, Mox, Mox, Lotus, topdecked Hurkyll's, insanity.
Congratulations to Ray Kehr, being the only person to defeat Brain during the swiss and going home with an altered "Sundering Brain" as a prize. Curse you Michiganders for stealing our pimp cards.
Here's the story of my ups and downs, better known as a
tournament report. Others can be found at the Mana Drain.
More congratulations to Jeff Blystone for continuing his dominance of every Mox tournament except for Pearls!
Thanks to everyone who came out from the Dungeon in Sheffield, OH and for Ray coming down from Michigan and for everyone else who made the drive. Thanks also to Dave Baum, ownerer of the Gamers Lounge and the sponsor of the tournament. I think everyone there (and some of the people who weren't) will agree it was a total blast and we'll all be back soon.

That's Dave.
Happy Aniversary Nat!!!
I just took a look back at a your posts and realized that it was a full year ago that you started writting this Blog.
"In the beginning..." was posted Feb 14, 2006. I think it was a valentine for your sweety.
Awwww, that's so cute!
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