Looks like Justin (left) is about to boggle some minds playing PitchLong, unless this is right before he got Trickbound. That's against Ray, who came out from the RIW store in Michigan. Sean is hawkeyein' the game there, and behind him Paul lays down the secret tech beats.

Marcus (left) is playing infinite mana combo against Angel using Bomberman. Looks like Angel's doing something with his graveyard. I guess the question is whether the Fastbond in Marcus's hand is entering or leaving play, 'cause I hope that's not his draw he's showing to the room. In the background, Eric (in the yellow shirt) is getting up close and personal with my UB Fish cards.

JD reduces his storm requirements by sending ESG into the red zone with his 2.5 color JDLong. Sometime during this round he explained the "Recurring ESG Beats Plan" that Long decks can try to achive during times of most pressing need. Someone needs to put those instructions on a t-shirt. Behind him Adam and JR utilize the elusive "kom-bat fase" with UW Fish and Ichorid.

Jeff (left) considers his dredge-ful options, while Nam wonders what he should have done with the FoW in his hand now that his opponent's done playing spells. Next to Jeff, Bob's Transformers (a Masknaught/Oath hybrid) are more than meets the eye, and Anthony shuffles TwaunStax for another game.

Going around the table clockwise from left to right we have Jerry, Mark, Angel, Marcus, Matt, and Eric, otherwise known as No Slaver Slaver, MonoBlue, Bomberman, Infinite Mana, Dimir Control, and UB Fish. Plus, I think this picture best captures the Gamers Lounge new, cheerier paint scheme and snazzy posters everywhere. Tres chic!
Special thanks to Angelica for snapping the pics.
my names not angela its angelica and evey one calls me jellie and i was very happy to have taken pictures for the event shown i had very much fun even tho i didn't do very well (as the only chick) in the tournament but love to take pictures so at lease i contributated in some form/way
My bad :-/ I didn't have the lists in front of me. The pictures are much appreciated, though.
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